APTDC Recruitment 2013 | www.aptdc.in Careers Application Form : 1. For filling up the vacant posts of Chef in their 50 rooms hotels, having Restaurant, Bar and Banquets, APTDC has issued a recruitment notification . So, candidates who are interested are invited for Trade exam and interview for filling up Chef De partie and Demi Chef De partie. For filling up 18 vacant posts, candidates must appear for this exam.

3. APTDC Careers:
Name of Organization - Andhra Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation Limited
Post Name - Chef De partie and Demi Chef De partie
No. of post - 18
Educational Qualification - 3 years Diploma in Hotel Management (or) One
year Diploma in Cookery
4. 21st August,2013 is the last Date for Application
5. APTDC Application Form 2013:
Posts Name No. of Posts
Chef De partie 09
Demi Chef De partie 09
6. Qualification: Candidates must have qualified 3 years Diploma in Hotel Management (or) One year Diploma in Cookery from the affiliated Hotel Management institute to be eligible for chef post.
7. Selection Procedure: Initially candidates must attend the trade test and then they will be called for interview.
Hyderabad Jobs
Hyderabad Jobs
8. Age Limit: Candidate's age must be below 45 years. Age Relaxation as per government rules and regulations.
9. Pay Scale: Selected candidates will given Rs. 34, 560/- per month as Consolidated Remuneration.
10. How to apply?
Visit the official website www.aptdc.in and download the application form. Fill it and attach it with the required documents and send t to below mentioned address on/before 21st August, 2013. Send by superscribed that “Application for the post of “Chef” on contract basis to the following address:
“C&MD, APTDC Ltd, 3-5-891,
Tourism House,
Hyderabad-500 029”
11. 21st August, 2013 is the last Date to apply.
12. APTDC Recruitment 2013 Notification - http://www.aptdc.gov.in/tender/Notification070813.pdf
13. Candidates if you want to received all latest updates about APTDC admit card / hall ticket 2013, APTDC answer key 2013, APTDC results 2013 via Facebook, then join us on Facebook page. Candidates Touch with us for more updates or book mark this page for future reference.
13. Candidates if you want to received all latest updates about APTDC admit card / hall ticket 2013, APTDC answer key 2013, APTDC results 2013 via Facebook, then join us on Facebook page. Candidates Touch with us for more updates or book mark this page for future reference.
APTDC Recruitment 2013 | www.aptdc.in Careers Application Form
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