XAT 2015 Registration www.xatonline.net.in Exam Date, XAT Syllabus : 1. On January 2015, Xavier Aptitude Test (XAT) 2015 Exam is going to be conducted or admission to Post Graduate Management courses in XLRI Jamshedpur, XLRI Admission Test which is a National Level Admission Test held by XLRI Jamshedpur . XAT 2015 Registration starts from Aug, 2014 to Nov, 2014. Aspirants who meet the eligibility can apply for XAT 2015 Exam before Nov, 2014.
2. XAT 2015 Eligibility :

3. Institutes that are participating in XAT 2015 : 106 B-schools will accept this XAT 2015 scores . The top B-schools under the XAT umbrella are :-
- Xavier Labor Relations Institute (XLRI) Jamshedpur
- Xavier Institute of Management (XIM) Bhubaneswar
- Xavier Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship (XIME) Bangalore
- Xavier Institute of Development Action and Studies (XIDAS) Jabalpur
- Xavier Institute of Social Service (XISS) Ranchi, Loyola
- Institute of Business Administration (LIBA) Chennai, SP Jain
- Institute of Management and Research (SPJIMR) Mumbai, Goa 8. Institute of Management (GIM) Goa,
- BIMTECH Greater Noida,
- BULMIM New Delhi,
- Asia-Pacific Institute of Management New Delhi,
- IFMR Chennai, SPJIMR Mumbai,
- Xavier Institute of Management &Research Mumbai,
- We School Mumbai,
- Jaipuria Institutes of Management,
- Gitam Institute of Management Vishakhapatnam,
- TAPMI Manipal
4. XAT 2015 Paper pattern:
XAT 2015 is held for 3 hours i.e. 180 minutes, of this 2 hrs 20 minutes is for part A (Quantitative Ability, English Language Ability & Logical Reasoning and Decision Making) and rest 20 minutes to Part B (English Essay writing and General Awareness). The paper consists of multiple choice questions wit 4 options and one correct answer. Negative marking is present where, 1/3rd marking for the first 5 wrong questions in every section & ½ for more than 5 mistakes.
5. XAT 2015 Syllabus :
1. Analytical Reasoning and Decision Making
a. Conditions and Grouping Test
2. Data Arrangement Test
a. Complex Arrangement
b. Logical Ability
c. Decision Making
3. Verbal Ability
a. English Grammar based questions
4. English Proficiency
a. Analogy, Fill in the Blanks, Para jumble, Cloze Test, English Comprehension
5.Logical Reasoning
a. Fact Inference Judgment, Passage Conclusion, Statement Argument
6.Data Interpretation and Quantitative Ability
A. Data Interpretation
- Case lets, Table Chart
- Data Sufficiency
B. Quantitative Ability
• Elementary Mathematics
• Arithmetic
• Additional Topic in Arithmetic
• Unitary Method
• Commercial Maths
• Geometry
• Mensuration
• Algebra
• Trigonometry
• Linear Programming
• Coordinate Geometry
• Probability
6. Important XAT 2015 Dates :
1. Online Registration starts from August, 2014
2. November, 2014 is the deadline for Online Registration.
3. XAT 2015 is going to be held on January, 2015
7. XAT 2015 official notification - http://www.xatonline.net.in/
8. Candidates if you want to receive all latest news updates about XAT 2015 admit card / hall ticket, XAT 2015 answer key, XAT 2015 results join us on Facebook page. Candidates Touch with us for more updates or book mark this page for future reference.
XAT 2014 Registration www.xatonline.net.in Exam Date, XAT Syllabus
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