Odisha SCERT D.El.Ed Admit card 2014 Download Hall Ticket / Call Letter : 1. Entrance Exam of D.El.Ed is going to be held by State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) Bhuwneshwar, Odisha. Huge number of candidates have applied for this examination and are eagerly waiting to download D.El.Ed entrance examination Admit card 2014.
3. Odisha SCERT D.El.Ed entrance admit card 2014
Visit the official website: http://www.scertodisha.nic.in/ and enter the required details such as roll no, DOB or app. id. This displays your D.El.Ed Hall ticket 2014.
4. Candidates join us on Facebook for latest news and updates about Odisha SCERT D.El.Ed answer key 2014 August , SCERT D.El.Ed answer key 2014 and SCERT D.El.Ed results 2014.
Odisha SCERT D.El.Ed Admit card 2014 Download Hall Ticket / Call Letter
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