B.S Abdur Rahman University Results 2015 Semester - www.bsauniv.ac.in : 1. B.S Abdur Rahman University (BSAU) has announced B Tech, B Arch, M Tech, MBA, MCA, MA, MSc for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th,8th sem exam Results 2015 on their official portal www.bsauniv.ac.in. Hence all the candidates who have appeared for it can check their results online on the main website or using our blog. Open the site and enter your roll number or exam symbol to see the results. Take a printout of the result copy to use it for further verification.
2. About B.S Abdur Rahman University

3. Check B.S Abdur Rahman University Results 2015 - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1VwvMC_ziUMMdL9HirIfk_mXuZ9Z4gk0aXrsT3jidzOU/viewform or or http://www.bsauniv.ac.in/controller-of-examination-downloads or http://www.bsauniv.ac.in/examinations
4. Postal address and Contact details of B.S Abdur Rahman University
Seethakathi Estate,
Chennai -600048.
Phone :+91-44-22751347,48,50,75
Email: bsar@bsauniv.ac.in
5. Candidates if you want to receive all latest news updates about B.S. Abdur Rahman University Chennai ranking review 2015 then join us on Facebook page. Candidates Touch with us for more updates or book mark this page for future reference.
BS Abdur Rahman University Results 2015 Semester - www.bsauniv.ac.in
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