Rani Durgavati University Jabalpur Results 2014 www.rdunijbpin.org BA BCom BSC Bed BCA BBA 1st 2nd 3rd SEM : 1. Rani Durgavati University has announced its BA, BCom, BSC, Bed, BCA, BBA for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th 5th 6th SEM examination results on their official portal www.rdunijbpin.org. Hence all the students who have appeared for the university examinations and eagerly waiting for the results can find them on official site or on our results portal also.
2. About Rani Durgavati University :

3. Download Rani Durgavati Results 2014 - http://www.rdunijbpin.org/result.html
4. Postal address and Contact details of Rani Durgavati University
Saraswati Vihar,
Jabalpur (M.P.)
PIN 482 001. INDIA
Phone Nos. : (0761) 2600567-68
E-mail : rdvvcc1@rediffmail.com
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Rani Durgavati University Jabalpur Results 2014 www.rdunijbpin.org BA BCom BSC Bed BCA BBA 1st 2nd 3rd SEM
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