Result 2014 B.Ed | Raipur Pandit sundarlal sharma open university results 2014 BA, BCom, BSC Bilaspur : 1. Pandit Sundarlal Sharma (Open) BA, BCom, BSC, MA, M Com, MSC, Degree, Under Graduation and Post Graduation (UG, PG) Exam Results has been announced on their official website . So, all the students who have appeared for the exams can check their results online. Along with the results, students are provided the facility to download their admit cards, check results, refer time-table and other schedules. Visit their official website or our prestigious blog to view your results.
2. About Pandit Sundarlal Sharma (Open) University :
Pandit Sundarlal Sharma (Open) University was established on 20th Jan, 2005. It is located at Bilsapur in Chattisgarh. Pandit Sundarlal Sharma (Open) University is an open university that is providing distance education.This university is structured into various categories such as Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Social Science, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Yoga, Jyotish and Vastu, Faculty of Science and Technology, Faculty of Commerce and Faculty of Computer Science (DCA, PGDCA, and BCA Programme).
3. Pandit Sundarlal Sharma (Open) University 2014 - or or
4. PSSOU Postal Address and contact details :
Pt. Sunderlal Sharma (Open) University
Chhattisgarh, Bilaspur
Koni- Birkona Marg, Village & Post - Birkona
Bilaspur , Chattisgarh, India
Phone : +91-07752- 213073
Fax : +91-07752-414255
Email :,,
5. If you want to receive all latest updates about Pandit Sundarlal Sharma Open University time table / date sheet 2014, PSSOU exam hall ticket / admit card 2014, PSSOU study material, Previous Question papers, Syllabus via Facebook, then join us on Facebook page. Candidates stay in touch with us for more updates or book mark this page for future reference. Result 2014 B.Ed | Raipur Pandit Sundarlal Sharma Open University Results 2014
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