Goa University Results 2014 www.unigoa.ac.in BDS Engineering TYBcom BA BSc B.Ed for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th Sem : 1. Hey everyone. Goa University has published its university examination results 2014 on its official website http://www.unigoa.ac.in/ . so all the students who are eagerly waiting for Goa University BA, BSC, BCom & B.Ed , MA, MCom, MSc, UG, PG Regular & Supplementary exam results can be check their results on the official webpage http://www.unigoa.ac.in/. You can even find the results on our webpage, we have published link where you can check your results.

2. About Goa University
Goa University was started in the year 1985 and is situated at North Goa in Goa. Goa University is an accredited University of India and has been rated by NAAC . This university has Ranked 17th among the Top Universities of India.
3. Goa University results 2014 - http://www.unigoa.ac.in/ or http://www.unigoa.ac.in/result_redirect.php
4. Goa University Postal Address and contact details :
Goa University, Taleigao Plateau, Goa, India, 403206, Phone No: 6519005, 6519006, 6519007, Fax: 2452889, Tel: (0832) 6519048, Fax: (0832) 2451184, 2452889, Email : registrar@unigoa.ac.in
5. If you want to receive all latest updates about Goa University time table / date sheet 2014, Goa University exam Hall ticket / admit card 2014, Goa University study material, Previous Question papers, Syllabus via Facebook, then join us on Facebook page. Candidates stay in touch with us for more updates or book mark this page for future reference.
Goa University Results 2014 www.unigoa.ac.in BDS Engineering TYBcom
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