admit card 2014 SAIL Bokaro Admit Card 2014 Download : 1. SAIL Bokaro Admit Card 2014 for Operator cum Technician (OCT) Trainee recruitment written exam. Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL), Bokaro Steel Plant will be issued admit card for Operator cum Technician Trainee written exam on will announce soon. Candidates who had registered for SAIL Bokaro OCTT Recruitment 2014, they can be download their admit card through online from sail official website. Candidates need to follow given instruction for know how to download SAIL Bokaro Admit card 2014 for OCTT Written exam. when ever officially made we will update.
2. SAIL Bokaro Admit Card 2014 Download -
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OCTT ka admit curd lb aayega????????
Replyeven i dnt know i am waiting for that
Replyaccording to sail tentative date for uploading admit card was 15/April . But now about 20 days passed .... i don't know when will sail upload admit card .... very day i visit sail website about this regard ...
ReplyR/sir please inform me about the downloading of sail/bokaro admit card that when i can download it.please inform me on my email id-
please inform me about the downloading of sail/bokaro admit card that when i can download it.please inform me on my email id;
Reply24 may
Replysir please inform me about the downloading of sail/bokaro admit card that when i can download it.please inform me on my email
Replywhich date published sail admit card???
Replysail mention down lode the admit card at or after 13th of may m not getting any link for that ??plzz help me ....
Reply13th may ..... bt i cant
ReplyR/sir please inform me about the downloading of sail/bokaro admit card that when i can download it.please inform
Replyme on my email id-
please tell me when sail bokaro admit card can be issue
Replymy email id
please inform me about the downloading of sail/bokaro admit card that when i can download it.please inform me on my email id; 09646985752
ReplyMay is going to end and still the admit card for octt has not been uploaded.please tell when the admit card will be uploaded.students are eagerly waiting for their admit cards.
Replyhello sir am anju
Replysir bokaro steel plant ka admit cardkb se downlod hogi sir plz inform my
sir my admit card? 583473741 this is my rejister no.. 09842573505 this is mobile no...
Replypls tell me how 2 download admit card of octt recruitment in bokaro steel plant.
Replymy email
my mob no.-+919471520539
Dear Sir
ReplyFrom long time we are waiting for admit card of octt Bokaro & bhilai plant.So please confirm the target date for this.
should i forget about your recruitment.or should i do a case in upvokta forum..
ReplyHi Sir My Name Santosh Kumar Diploma in PolyTechnic Sail Admit Card Kab Ayege Kafi time Ho ne Ko Hi Kya Koi Date Fiksh Hui Hi To Please My E-Mail Id Send Hear Information
ReplySail bokaroadmitcard kabaayega
Please informed me at my email id
Sir , plz tell me sail bokaro oct admit card 2013. my email id -
Replywhen will admit card;s OCTT publish???????
ReplyDear sir,
ReplySail bokaroadmitcard kabaayega
Please informed me at my email id,
Sir please tell me when will admit card of OCTT release ...
Replysir plz informes me at my email id :
sir please given detail about bokaro steel plant octt diploma technical job my reg id : 5831422585 my mobilie 8185039170
ReplyThank you for comment