JCECE Admit Card 2014 Download Diploma www.jharkhand.gov.in Hall Ticket : 1. It has been came to know that Jharkhand Combined Entrance Competitive Exams Board also called as JCECEB has recently announced JCECE 2014 (Jharkhand Combined Entrance Competitive Examination) Online Admit card or hall ticket for the upcoming examination. In ordered to Download the Admit Card of JCECE 2014 test, Candidates required to enter the Date of Birth (into dd-mm-yyyy format) and Name as per the application form. Provision has been made to download the JCECE Admit Card 2014 from the man official website (www.jceceboard.org) of Board. Now last date for filling up the application form is over and exam is scheduled to be held on 3rd week of May. By the mean of this Entrance Examination admission to the various Under graduate degree course will be given in the Govt and Private colleges of Jharkhand state.
2. JCECE Admit Card 2014 Download - http://www.jharkhand.gov.in/ or www.jceceboard.org/
3. Candidates if you want to received all latest updates about JCECE Answer key, Results 2014 syllabus, previous year question papers via Facebook, then join us on Facebook page. Candidates Touch with us for more updates or book mark this page for future reference.
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