2. Cabinet Secretariat Recruitment 2013 - http://cabsec.nic.in/vaccancy.php
3. How to Apply for Cabinet Secretariat Recruitment 2013: The candidates will have to send the application form in prescribed format attached with all the relevant documents (Photocopies) within the 30 days from the date of publication of this recruitment. The envelope should be titled as “Application for the Post of________” and it should be sent to the address given below:
“Under Secretary (Pers. C),
Cabinet Secretariat,
Govt. of India, Room No. 7,
Bikaner House (Annexe),
Shahjahan Road
New Delhi-110011”
3. How to Apply for Cabinet Secretariat Recruitment 2013: The candidates will have to send the application form in prescribed format attached with all the relevant documents (Photocopies) within the 30 days from the date of publication of this recruitment. The envelope should be titled as “Application for the Post of________” and it should be sent to the address given below:
“Under Secretary (Pers. C),
Cabinet Secretariat,
Govt. of India, Room No. 7,
Bikaner House (Annexe),
Shahjahan Road
New Delhi-110011”
3. Candidates if you want to receive all latest news updates about Cabinet Secretariat 2013 Admit card, Answer key, Results 2013 syllabus, previous year question papers via Facebook, then join us on Facebook page. Candidates Touch with us for more updates or book mark this page for future reference.
Cabinet Secretariat Recruitment 2013 www.davp.nic.in Apply Online
Venkata Challa
is there any options to download cabinet secretariat 2013 admission card? my friends have already received their admit card but i didn't get my admit card.
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