January 27, 2014

HPSC Recruitment 2014 | www.hpsc.gov.in Online Application form 2014

HPSC Recruitment 2014 | www.hpsc.gov.in Online Application form 2014 : 1. Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC) has released a recruitment notification for the filling up various vacancies. There are totally 1396 Assistant Professor  Posts are to be recruited this time. Interested candidates can apply for this jobs via online mode. Recruitment details are given below.

2. Candidates HPSC careers 2014 Post Name, Age Details, Age relaxations, Educational Qualification, Selection process, How To Apply online for HPSC jobs 2014, Application Form Fee, Important dates like exam dates, online application date visit the given below link.

Post details : Assistant Professor

Latest Teaching Jobs

Age : Relaxation in age will be given as per Govt. Rules. Candidate’s age should be 21 to 40 years as on 15th January 2014

Graduate Jobs

3. HPSC Recruitment 2014 Notification - http://hpsc.gov.in/Annoucement.aspx or http://hpsc.gov.in/Advertisement/Advertisement%20No.%207%20of%202013.pdf

4. HPSC 2014 online Application form - http://hpsc.gov.in

5. Important dates : Closing of gateway for Online registration : 28 February 2014

Latest Haryana Jobs

6. Candidates if you want to received all latest updates about HPSC via Facebook, then join us on Facebook page. Candidates Touch with us for more updates or book mark this page for future reference.
HPSC Recruitment 2014 | www.hpsc.gov.in Online Application form 2014
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