AP Police Jail Warden Result 2012 - apstatepolice.org : 1.AP State Police Department of Jail warden examination will be release the results in the last week of September 2012.Police recruitment board chairman Mr M.Malakondaiah officially announced this news in a press note. This Jail Warden test is conducted in the month of August 26th 2012 for the filling of 733 posts.Already the answer key is released you can download it now official website - http://apstatepolice.org.
2.When the results of Police Jail Warden are released they will be made available on the website of state police which is given below.You need to enter your hall ticket number or roll number in order to get your results
3.AP Police Jail Warden Result 2012 - http://apstatepolice.org/APPW/jsp/homePage.do?method=getHomePageElements
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AP Police Jail Warden Result 2012 - apstatepolice.org
Venkata Challa
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