March 29, 2012

NUCET Nannaya University 2012 Notification PG Admissions 2012-13

NUCET Nannaya University 2012 Notification PG Admissions 2012-13 : 1.Adikavi Nannaya University (NU), Rajahmundry in various post graduate Admission Notification, diploma entry and graduate programs for the 2012-13 school year under the 2012 statement announced Admission Notification . For the purpose of which was launched in various schools and departments of the University of Nannaya NUCET 2012 (Nannaya University Common Entrance Test ) will be performing. There is a separate entrance test conducted by the first PG admissions in the New. The details of the courses and the application process are:

A) Nannaya University School of Chemical Sciences (SCS): M Sc Chemistry with specialization in Organic Chemistry
B) Nannaya University School of Cultural Studies and Communication (SCSC): MA English and Telugu, PG Diploma in English Studies
C) Nannaya University School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (SEAS) : M Sc Geoinformatics and Five Year Integrated - MS Petroleum Exploration
D) Nannaya University School of Human Development and Behavioral Sciences (SHDBS): MA Social Work and Psychology
E) Nannaya University School of Life and Health Sciences (SLHS): M Sc Zoology
F) Nannaya University Five Year Integrated Programme - MS Microbiology and Biotechnology
G) Nannaya University School of Mathematical and Information Sciences (SMIS): Five Year Integrated Programme - MS in Mathematics and Computing

2.Selection of the candidates all the above programmes will be based on the performance in entrance test conducted by Nannaya University. Interested candidates can obtain application forms from the Office of Principal, University College, Nannaya University, Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh.

3.You can also download application form from the official website of the University at Completed application forms along with a DD of Rs. 300 drawn in favor of Registrar, Adikavi Nannaya University, payable at Rajahmundry should be sent to Nannaya University, Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh.

4.NUCET Nannaya University 2012 Notification PG Admissions Important Dates: Start of sale of application forms: 19-03-2012, Last Date for the receipt of filled in application forms: 16-04-2012, Last date for receipt of filled in application forms with fine of Rs.500: 23-04-2012, NUCET 2012 Test : 20-05-2012, Announcement of NUCET 2012 Results : 31-05-2012.
NUCET Nannaya University 2012 Notification PG Admissions 2012-13
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