March 9, 2012

FCI AG III Result 2012 | SSC FCI AG III Results 2012 Assistant Grade 3 Results 2012 Declared for General/Technical and Accountant Cadres

FCI AG III Result 2012 | SSC FCI AG III Results 2012 Assistant Grade 3 Results 2012 Declared for General/Technical and Accountant Cadres : 1. SSC AG III results 2012 are released to announce the name of qualified candidates for appearing in Paper-II/Paper-III. SSC FCI Assistant Grade 3 results 2012 are announced for SSC recruitment 2011 Assistant Grade combined written test on 5th February, 2012. SSC Assistant Grade III Admit card was offered for the written test.

2. FCI AG III results can be checked at: for the post of Accountants.

3. You may check SSC AG III results at: for the post of General/Depot in FCI 2012.

4. SSC FCI Assistant Grade 3 results can be checked at: for the post of Technical in FCI 2012.

5. FCI AG III results 2012 are declared for the recruitment in Food Corporation of India. SSC AG III results 2012 can be checked by roll number and name.

6. FCI AG III cut off marks for post code A, B, C and D are also published along with SSC FCI AG III results 2012. You may check SSC FCI cut off marks for Assistant Grade 3 at: downloading PDF file.

7. SSC FCI Assistant Grade 3 results 2012 are declared on 7th March, 2012. Total 46081 candidates are successful for Paper II and 33407 candidates for Paper III. Details of non-qualified candidates in FCI AG III result 2012 will be declared very soon.
FCI AG III Result 2012 | SSC FCI AG III Results 2012 Assistant Grade 3 Results 2012 Declared for General/Technical and Accountant Cadres
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