February 18, 2012

NIMCET Application 2012 MCA entrance Exam for admission In NIT | MCA entrance Exam for admission In NIT NIMCET Application 2012

NIMCET Application 2012 MCA entrance Exam for admission In NIT | MCA entrance Exam for admission In NIT NIMCET Application 2012
1.NIT is the acronym of the National Institute of Technology and NIMCET is an abbreviation of the NIT test MCA Common Nits is an institution with a major national and government-funded institutions, technical and scientific NIMCET the NIT test MCA Common, a. tests conducted by the National nits for the education of their m. Admission to the program's total to 11 nits on the basis of the level received in NIMCET2012. Nimcet syllabus pattern of MCA offered by NITs are designed considering the needs of different Information Technology Firms in India and abroad. MCA graduates have high potential for jobs in IT Sector. This time Nit Warangal going to conduct Nimcet 2012 examination. Nimcet notification is already published

2.Name of NITs
NIT Agartala, NIT Allahabad, NIT Bhopal, NIT Calicut, NIT Durgapur, NIT Jamshedpur, NIT Kurukshetra, NIT Raipur, NIT Surathkal, NIT Tiruchirappalli and NIT Warangal

3.NIMCET 2012 Important Dates

NIMCET notification 2012 Nicmet advertisement 2012 Published: 13 February 2012

Online application Form submission will start Form: 13 February 2012

Last Date Nimcet 2012 filling online application form: 12 April 2012

Last date of receipt print out : 16 April

NIMCET 2012 Admit card download: 7 may 2012

NICMET Entrance Exam 2012: 20 may 2012

NIMCET results 2012: 5 June 2012

4.Counseling schedule
Seat choice filling stat from: 12 June to 18 June 2012
First round allotment: 19 June 2012

5.Eligibility criteria: 60% marks in graduation / 55% for sc st in Graduation + Intermediate (with mathematics)
Admission Process

6.Applying Online and posting hard-copy with enclosures
Writing NIMCET-2012 TEST
Choice filling and locking
Online Seat Allotment and personally reporting at a remote/participating institute
Getting Admitted to Allotted Institute
Spot allotment round

7.Official website: http://nimcet2012.nitw.ac.in/
Contact addres
The Secretary NIMCET-2012 National Institute of Technology Warangal – 506 004, Andhra Pradesh State

Application form 1500 and 750 for scc/st
NIMCET Application 2012 MCA entrance Exam for admission In NIT | MCA entrance Exam for admission In NIT NIMCET Application 2012
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