SSB Syllabus 2013 Written Exam Constable, Driver Sashastra Seema Bal : SSB Syllabus for the recruitment of Constable, Driver, Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) has released the recruitment notification of the written exam. All the candidates who wish to apply for these posts must appear for this exam. For your convenience we have published every information related to SSB recruitment 2013 on our portal.

2. Question paper will be for 100 marks and the exam will be held for 2 hours.
3. SI (Sub Inspector) Pioneer recruitment exam syllabus
This paper consists of General Knowledge questions comprising of 25 marks, General English or Hindi questions carrying 25 marks and Civil Engineering based questions that carries 50 marks.
Head Constable(HC) Workshop syllabus
This paper contains General Knowledge and General English or Hindi sections each carrying 25 marks and Automobile / Mech Engg Based Questions carrying 50 marks.
Head Constable(HC) Electrician syllabus
The paper consists of three sections of which General Knowledge carries 25 marks, General English or Hindi for 25 marks and Electrician Based Questions for 50 marks.
4. Selection Process:
Selection of a candidate will be done based on below tests
1. Document Verification.
2. Physical Standard Test.
3. Physical Efficiency Test.
4. Written Exam.
5. Technical Test.
5. Official links
Visit the official website of Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB), for more information.
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SSB Syllabus 2013 for Navy Exam Constable, Driver Sashastra Seema Bal
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