Jamia Millia Islamia Results 2015 jmi.ac.in UG, PG, Entrance Exam : 1. Hello everyone, Jamia Millia Islamia - A Central University has published UG, PG, Entrance Exam Results 2015 of Part 1, 2, 3, B.Tech, BA, BBA, BSC, Bcom, MA, MSc, MCom, Results 2015 on its official webpage http://jmi.ac.in/. So, all the students who have appeared for the UG/PG entrance Exams 2014 can check their results online on the official webpage or on our website. Click on the results page, enter your roll number in the space provided and download your results. You an even check your results and compare your marks using our webpage also.

2. History of Jamia Millia Islamia - A Central University -
Jamia Millia Islamia - A Central University was started in the year 1920 and is situated at New Delhi. This Jamia Millia Islamia University, born off the Indian National Movement and patriotic dedication was established in response to a call by Mahatma Gandhi in 1920 to stay away from the Government-supported institutions.
3. Jamia Millia Islamia - A Central University results 2015 - http://jmi.ac.in/studyatjamia/examcontroller/controller/faculty-members or http://jmi.ac.in/studyatjamia/resultsentrance/Entrance or http://jmi.ac.in/cccp/selected-candidates
Examination Results -
Examinations Results (Distance Mode) -
4. Jamia Millia Islamia - A Central University Postal Address and contact details
Jamia Millia Islamia,
Jamia Nagar,
New Delhi-110025,India
Phone: +91(11)26981717,26984617,26984658, 26988044,26987183
Fax: +91(11)2698 0229
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Jamia Millia Islamia Results 2015 jmi.ac.in UG, PG, Entrance Exam
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